Program Goals:                                                                Americanism  National Award Entry Form

Flag Education                                                                   

Promote #AuxiliaryPatriotism 

POW/MIA Recognition  

Star Family Recognition

Americanism / Patriotic Instructor Program Pages 2024-2025

Americanism/Patriotic Instructor Promotions:
June Promotion
July Promotion
August Promotion
September Promotion
October Promotion
November Promotion
December Promotion
January Promotion
February Promotion


Awards for Auxiliaries


1. Most outstanding activity and/or event educating their community about lesser-known Patriotic Holidays.

 Citation and $25 to one VFW Auxiliary in each of the 10 Program Divisions that hosts the most outstanding activity and/or event educating their community about lesser-known Patriotic Holidays.

 Entry form required and available in MALTA Member Resources. VFW Auxiliaries must send the required entry form to their Department Americanism Chairman by March 31, 2025 for judging. The Department Americanism Chairman must sign and send a copy of the completed Department-winning entry form to the National Americanism Ambassador by April 30, 2025 for judging.

 Citations will be mailed directly to the winning VFW Auxiliaries from National Headquarters and money will be deposited into the winning VFW Auxiliary account after the 2025 VFW Auxiliary National Convention in Columbus, Ohio