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Invest in the Future of the Organization

Membership Program Pages 2024-2025
Membership Promotions 2024-2025
 June Promotion
July Promotion
August Promotion
September Promotion
October Promotion
November Promotion
December Promotion
January Promotion
February Promotion
March Promotion
Membership Forms and Applications

Membership Program Award Forms

VFW Recruiter Form

Membership Recruitment & Retention Tools

Click here for Membership Recruitment & Retention Tools, including:

  • Membership Engagement Packet
  • Membership Moments (A collection of tips, tools and techniques that can be used to recruit, retain and engage Auxiliary members. Please share these handouts at your Auxiliary meetings and trainings.)
  • VFW Auxiliary Eligibility Wheel Graphic
  • Just One Card
  • Strengthening Auxiliaries Calendar
  • VFW Auxiliary Facts Leaflet
  • Recruitment Booth Pointers
  • 8 Ways You Can Help Veterans Card
  • Member Benefits One-Sheeter
  • "Join Us” Poster (17 x 11)
  • Press Releases
  • Door Hangers
  • Social Media Shareables


Awards for Member
1. Recruiter pin to each VFW and VFW Auxiliary member who recruits five (5) new and/or rejoined members to the VFW Auxiliary from July 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025. Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA with credit given to the recruiter by June 10, 2025. Recruiter pin will be mailed directly to the member from National Headquarters
2. National Membership Achievement Award to each VFW and VFW Auxiliary member who recruits 20 new and/or rejoined members to the VFW Auxiliary from July 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025. Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA with credit given to the recruiter by June 10, 2025. VFW Auxiliary Treasurers on all levels are not eligible for this award. Winners will be announced and awards presented at the 2025 VFW Auxiliary National Convention in Columbus, Ohio. If winner is not in attendance, award to be mailed directly to winner from National Headquarters after National Convention.
3. Top Recruiter award to the one recruiter in each of the 4 conferences who recruited the most new and/or rejoined members in their conference. VFW Recruiters and VFW Auxiliary Treasurers on all levels are not eligible for this award. Winners will be announced and awards presented at the 2025 VFW Auxiliary National Convention in Columbus, Ohio. If winner is not in attendance, award to be mailed directly to winner from National Headquarters after National Convention.
4. VFW Auxiliary Recruiter Drawing for each VFW Auxiliary National Membership Achievement Award winner. Winners will be entered into a drawing to receive one $500 Visa gift card. VFW Recruiters and VFW Auxiliary Treasurers on all levels are not eligible for this award. Winner will be announced and award presented at the 2025 VFW Auxiliary National Convention in Columbus, Ohio. If winner is not in attendance, award to be mailed directly to winner from National Headquarters after National Convention.
Recruiter Award Forms are no longer needed for VFW Auxiliary members. Reports are compiled by VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters from information entered in MALTA.
VFW members who recruit new and/or rejoined VFW Auxiliary members will need to fill out the required VFW members only form that is available in MALTA Member Resources. Completed form must be received at VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters and Department Treasurer must enter membership in MALTA by June 10, 2025.

Awards for Auxiliaries

1. $50 to each Auxiliary that reaches 100% Plus in Membership by June 30, 2025*.

 2. VFW Auxiliary Drawing. Each VFW Auxiliary that reaches 101% Plus by June 30, 2025* will be entered into a one-time drawing to receive $500.